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Hi! I'm Sophia and I will be your ePortfolio guide today. If you don't know why you're here, maybe I can help. This site is the product of a semester's worth of work for the Sweetland Center for Writing's introductory writing minor course at the University of Michigan. At the beginning of the semester, my fellow students and I were challenged to choose a piece of writing that we wrote previously to repurpose and remediate throughout the course. Inside the Remediation tab at the top of this site, you can find the original piece I chose & my first & final Repurposing drafts. In the Repurposing tab, you can find a video I created to make my poem multimodal. To learn more about the prompts my classmates and I were given this semester, click          . But before you start reading my work, I invite you to visit the "About" & "How & Why I write" tabs to gain some necessary context for my projects. I hope you enjoy your time here and leave with a better understanding of who I am, some new wisdom about the potential impact of the death of a parent, and even a glimpse of who Jesus is.

Want to talk? I do! Email me:

Want more of my writing? Visit my 

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