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At this point, you may be wondering why a university junior would spend hours upon hours building a website and struggling with drawing apps to create a character that looks mildly like her. Well, you've come to the right Page. I am a first semester writing minor student Through the University of Michigan's  Sweetland Center for Writing. I am currently enrolled in the minor's introductory gateway course. My classmates & I have one prominent objective: become better writers. To further this process, we have been tasked with 3 major projects:

Major Project 1: 

The Repurposing Project was our first major project. We were instructed to choose a piece of writing that we have previously written to live with throughout the course of the semester--by this, I mean I eat, breathe, & sleep with. We spent the first half of the semester forming a new argument for our original pieces & constructing them in different mediums than we started with. We wrote multiple drafts, conducted in-class workshops, & received almost continuous feedback from our peers about how to better our work.

Major Project 2: 

Major Project 2 began after completing our Repurposing projects. In our Remediations, my classmates kept our arguments and Audiences the same as they were for Major Project 1, but switched mediums with the hopes of learning more about multimodal media.

Major Project 3: 

The parameters for our third major project of the semester are pretty self-explanatory. For our final project, we were asked to consider what would be helpful for our audiences to know about our writing inspirations & channel it into an essay or other creative medium. 

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